Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Digital doodles....

This image, called 'Smile, Baby', started life as a collage but I thought I'd tinker with it to see how it looked with really flat areas of colour.

Here's the original - the scan shows up the black outline as fainter than it actually is. I really like the fact it's slightly off-register as I was going for a screen-print effect.

And here's the digital version. I love the vibrancy if the colours and the crispness of this one, but perhaps it's lost a little 'soul' along the way...?

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I am utterly jealous of your teeth. They look fantastic! I have been working on a commission that I have really been struggling with because of the teeth.

What is your secret!? ;)


Unknown said...

Hey Kristine, thanks! I think I just tried to imagine them as a collective shape, rather than individual teeth. I learnt that when I painted the blindfolded Marilyn pic - http://www.lauranuttall.co.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/24559_108526252500779_108524335834304_151132_3829736_n.jpg - I got so hung up on those darn teeth because I was trying to paint them one by one. It all came together when I chilled out and just 'suggested' them instead. Good luck with your commission!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip! I've tried to suggest the ones in my commission. Not sure if I was successful or not. But the client was happy regardless so I guess that's all that matters! :)


Unknown said...

Just checked your website, it's the first pic on your portfolio page, right? It's great! You did a really good job :)