Monday, 12 July 2010

The Roundabout

I was recently asked to create storyboards for my friend Alex Martin's new film, The Roundabout. Here's some info from the website:

'The Roundabout, which commences filming this Autumn is a comedy horror in which John Robertson, an uninspiring music teacher overcomes his inner demons while trying to reverse a deal he accidentally makes with the Devil. It’s Shaun of the Dead meets The Omen meets Back to the Future!'.

I've read the script and I can tell you it's funny. Laugh out loud funny. Really looking forward to seeing it come to life.

Click here to check out the dedicated website for the film. My work is displayed on 'The Film' page.
Click here to follow the film on Facebook.

In order to secure funding Alex and the production team need to promote the film and prove there is an audience that want to see it made, so make sure you click 'like' when you check them out on Facebook! Every click counts, y'all.


kristina dutton said...

sounds amazing! i love alll of those movies! and i love even more when pentagrams are included in things, i've always had a sense of humor about that whole thing...

Unknown said...

Thanks Kristina, I find pentagrams and all things occult very interesting...all in a healthy non-devil worshipping way of course! Keep an eye out for updates about the film, and be sure to check out the Facebook page!